Import Services (Add Services in Bulk)

Import Services (Add Services in Bulk)

Go to Services and click on Imort Button.

Click on the 'sample excel file' link, highlighted in blue.

Download the Excel file.

Open the downloaded file.

Column A: Enter the service name.

• Column B: Select 'Yes' or 'No' to enable the service.

• Column C: For recurring services, select 'Yes'; for non-recurring services, select 'No'.

• Column D: If Checklist Completion is Required, select 'Yes'.

• Column E: Select Auto Task Creation Frequency: for recurring services, choose monthly, quarterly, or yearly; for non-recurring services, leave blank.

• Column F: For monthly recurring services, select the creation date; for non-monthly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column G: For monthly recurring services, select the due date; for non-monthly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column H: For quarterly recurring services, select the creation date; for non-quarterly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column I: For quarterly recurring services, select the creation month; for non-quarterly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column J: For quarterly recurring services, select the due date; for non-quarterly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column K: For quarterly recurring services, select due month; for non-quarterly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column L: For yearly recurring services, enter the creation date in DD-Mmm format (e.g., 24-Apr); for non-yearly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column M: For yearly recurring services, enter the due date in DD-Mmm format (e.g., 18-Oct); for non-yearly recurring services, leave blank.

• Column N: Select Task Creation Period: 'Current' means create tasks for the currently running period; 'Last' means create tasks for the recently completed period.

• Column O: Enter the SAC code, if needed.

• Column P: Enter the Default Billing Rate (Excl. of Tax).

• Column Q: Select the GST% (If you don't charge GST, please select 18%).

• Column R: If you want to assign auto tasks to users of respective clients, select 'Yes'; otherwise, select 'No'.

• Column S: Enter the username(s) to assign auto tasks (Enter username, not name. Use commas to separate the usernames).

• Column T: If you want to create a checklist, enter the checklist names (Use commas to separate the checklist names).

• Column U: To Create a Document Collection Request, select 'Yes'; otherwise, select 'No'.

• Column V: Enter your Document Collection Request Default Message (Required if the Document Collection Request option is 'Yes').

○ Start entries from row 4.

○ All mandatory columns are highlighted with an asterisk (*).

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